Crazy Frog (aka the most annoying thing in the world) ringtone tops the British charts.
I have absolutely no idea why people find it so annoying! I don’t find it annoying at all. Quite the opposite – it’s very funny!
I’ve spent a little bit of time searching for the full video, as it was taken down from its creators website – Kaktus Film, so I decided to upload it here and share it with you.
As a bonus, you can also watch the video that started it all. I remeber watching it quite a while ago. It was damn funny at the time (and still is)!
Here are the links to all of those files:
There’s also a trailer for the sitcom A Bear’s Tail, featuring the Crazy Frog. It’s under the very meaningful title “Fuck crazy frog”. Here’s the link:
You might also want to check out the Crazy Frog – Popcorn Video post.