Top 10 movies of 2007

Just like for 2006 and 2005 here are ten movies I’ve seen in 2007 that completely blew my mind:

  1. Children of Men (2006)
  2. Mr. Brooks (2007)
  3. The Prestige (2006)
  4. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
  5. Stella che non c’è, La (2006)
  6. Zwartboek (2006)
  7. Ostrov (2006)
  8. Reign Over Me (2007)
  9. I Am Legend (2007)
  10. The Namesake (2006)

As usual, Hollywood movies occupy most of the list. 6 out of 10 places to be exact. Nothing changes.

Will Smith man of the year? Surely, he’s already a legend.

Published by

Paweł Gościcki

Ruby/Rails programmer.

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