I needed to output a Hash as a nested HTML structure. Googling didn’t find any satisfactory results, so I decided to roll my own. UL/LI tags seemed like the best choice. It was a nice exercise in recursion.
The result is a function, which outputs a nicely indented HTML. Note, however, that it’s a very basic solution. It doesn’t cope well with anything other than Strings and Numbers (unless your objects support a nice to_s
# Prints nested Hash as a nested <ul> and <li> tags
# - keys are wrapped in <strong> tags
# - values are wrapped in <span> tags
def HashToHTML(hash, opts = {})
return if !hash.is_a?(Hash)
indent_level = opts.fetch(:indent_level) { 0 }
out = " " * indent_level + "<ul>\n"
hash.each do |key, value|
out += " " * (indent_level + 2) + "<li><strong>#{key}:</strong>"
if value.is_a?(Hash)
out += "\n" + HashToHTML(value, :indent_level => indent_level + 2) + " " * (indent_level + 2) + "</li>\n"
out += " <span>#{value}</span></li>\n"
out += " " * indent_level + "</ul>\n"
Who knows, maybe someone somewhere finds it useful.
Update: much more concise solution by Piotr Szotkowski.
How about https://gist.github.com/1196800 (it lacks the newlines, but they’re easy to add)?
@Piotr: Even better and more concise. Nice!